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2nd Grade

Your students will learn about the properties of matter and how changes in matter occur. Students will enjoy a larger than life presentation that includes liquid tornadoes, flaming solids, air vortex guns and dry ice bubbles. They will also have 4 hands-on stations where they will test absorbency, design and build using solids to solve real world problems, investigate gas used for balloons and rescue items from the ice. NGSS Aligned

Properties of Matter 2nd Grade Science Inquiry by The Cranium Company
Incline plane
Forces and Motion 3rd Grade Science Inquiry by The Cranium Company
Maglev Train at Forces and Motion Inquiry 3rd Grade

We will discover the fundamentals of direction, speed, friction and unbalanced forces as they study the movement of a life-sized glider. Students will witness the phenomena of an inertia tower, predict the motion of a giant pendulum and be amazed by the magnetic field generated by our custom maglev train. They will also have 4 hands-on stations where they will use a wrecking ball, investigate an incline plane, explore forces and design and build a magnetic levitating train that defies gravity . NGSS Aligned.


3rd Grade


An inquiry session will start at 8:30 am and will run approximately 2.5 hours depending on your grade level lunch and cafeteria availability. We can work with you and your school's needs to adjust the sessions length.

The maximum number of students per day is 120. If you have large class sizes, there may be additional fees or you will be required to book a second day. We want to maximize fun and organization. 

With so much exciting science experimentation taking place, we will need 4-8 adult volunteers on the day of the event. Please plan to invite parents, grandparents, staff or teachers to join in the fun!

The Cranium Company

Visalia, CA and surrounding counties



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